Ciarán Hinds stars in “Last Days in the Desert,” directed by Rodrigo García. The film follows Jesus (Ewan McGregor) in an imagined chapter from his 40 days of fasting and praying in the desert. On his way out of the wilderness, he faces temptation by the Devil, also played by McGregor. He struggles over the fate of a family in crisis, and Hinds plays "Father."
"Last Days in the Desert" opens May 13th at Village East Cinema (181-189 2nd Avenue).
Check out Ciarán Hinds' Guest Picks Below!
What have you read or seen over the past year (book, play, film, etc…) that moved or surprised you?
Room, both the book & film, by Emma Donoghue
What are you listening to right now?
Van Morrison – as usual!
What’s the last great book you read?
A Suitable Boy – Vikram Seth
What’s one thing you’re a fan of that people might not expect?
A decent pair of socks.
What’s your favorite comfort food?
Cheese on Toast